Saturday, April 11, 2020

Love Notes from the non-Coronaverse....and Beyond

In the multiverse (of all the parallel universes), I believe there's a non-Coronaverse and that's where I'm trying to live, at least some of the time.  We can call that place  parts of my life.  From this vantage point, I can see that I'm irritating some people.  I'm blowing a bit of sunshine and I understand how that could be so annoying.  Sometimes I get on my own nerves and want to slap myself.   But sometimes, I'm kind and funny, so I'll try to channel that now.  Here are some love notes from my non-Coronaverse to whichever '-verse' you find yourself in at the moment:

You may be delighted/reassured/amused/annoyed to learn that I didn't acquire a single new skill nor talent this week!  I mean, I learned a bunch of stuff, stuck it in my brain for a minute, and then it promptly fell out.  Honestly, that last part is a relief because now I've made room to remember "important" things like grocery shopping and wearing a new, different pair of sweats every other day.

Taara kindly curated an exercise video for us and we gamely giggled through box steps and lunges to the tune of...I'm not sure what...bland, disco-y beats.  We appreciated that the instructor was easy on the eyes even though he was wearing bright that...spandex..?  Okay. That's okay because he was so kind and exhorting us to  'keep going!' and 'you got this'! Plus, he'd chosen actual-sized women to show us how to take it up or down a notch in difficulty (we think this is just fabulous). But we threw caution to the winds and leveled up with actual DOGS throwing themselves in our paths! HA!  Bet you never thought of that Mr Spandex!

Speaking of the pooches: a sweet bit of information I learned about my pup Lassi (as in mango, not with an 'e' like : Timmy and....) is that she doesn't drool, snap, nor pull (as if she were a rabid cur) at every poor soul wearing a mask who strolls by. And she doesn't mind when Taara and I do, either (wear masks - not drool, snap, or pull -  just to be clear). Also my dogs don't seem to give a hoot that we're home all the time!  What's up with that? I now find myself in he awkward position of feeling jealous of the all the cat owners posting videos of their annoyed cats...because I'm jealous that my dogs don't seem to care...? Seriously, what is wrong with me? Also, I'm allergic to cats, so an extra dose of 'who cares?', right?

Last time, I'd mentioned that I wasn't watching/reading news.  Just as many of us are thinking: hmmmm....haven't we social-distanced long enough? (NO.  The answer is NO) I'm also thinking - can't I just watch a teensy bit of news? (Again, apparently the answer is NO) because I slowly began titrating some news-watching/reading back into my day with such whack effects : I began eye-rolling and heavy-sighing at the pups (the PUPS! I'm a monster) for the most reasonable requests: like needing to go out to potty or wanting a treat. Or when Lassi (you get that she's the trouble-maker) slunk off to the bathroom (which one of us had carelessly left open) to just have a wee nibble on the end of a toilet paper roll....which is clearly.....wait....WHAT?? (bounding inelegantly from the sofa) no, no, No, NO, NO, LEAVE IT, LEAVE IT!!!!

But at this moment, our spring celebrations are on my heart : Ugadhi, Nowruz, Easter, Holi, Vaisakhi, Passover, and Ramadan (to name a few).  Many of us have/will have to celebrate apart and I know that's so tough.  But we're doing our best, connecting as best we can, though we're not always succeeding.  In my non-Coronaverse, I'm forgiving myself for stumbling (during aerobics videos and just in life), hopefully (gracefully) allowing some people to catch me when I do, and really trying to gently hold others in whatever '-verse' they reside right now.